HexCube Mini ERP
Today’s businesses operate in an environment of constant and high-speed change where the ability to adapt quickly and effectively has become essential for success. Management judgments assume critical importance as customers develop ever higher expectations of competitive price, improved delivery, excellent quality and exceptional performance. To compete effectively in global markets, it is essential that businesses of all sizes exploit the Web enabled Information System and Decision support system.
Hexcube’s Web Enabled Mini ERP includes following Modules
Local Sales and Distribution System
Purchase Order and Maintenance System
Inventory/Stock Management System
Financial Accounting System
Web Enabled Report
The Advantages of the Mini ERP are
- Better inventory management with lower stock levels and reduced stock-outs
- Improved customer service with better delivery reliability and consistent quality
- More accurate costing and secure pricing
- Improved productivity and better utilisation of internal and external resources
- Better and speedier response to change
- Total business condition visibility
- Achieves cost efficiencies in a short payback period